Monday, June 8, 2009

Hot N' Cold.

This week has been very interesting. Heather and Holly's graduation is THIS friday. But my grandma is going to be coming here TOMORROW!!! I cant beleive it. But i got some bad news on Saturday that i will NOT be going to missouri. something is going on in Trish's family that is going to take a while to figure out. I would like you guys to pray for her that her husband and her will make the right diesitions for the family. And that the kiddos wont get hurt in the final outcome. Please pray that they will find Jesus like we all have :) I am hoping Trish's offer is still there and i can come either next summer or on spring break. i realllyyy wanna see her. But luckily she is going to come down to CA and we are going to have a day with her. I also would like you guys to pray for me. I'm going to be a softmore next year AHHHH! 10th grade is what i always been dreaming about. But its so scary when it finally comes. I wish time would just go faster so I and my family can be with Jesus. Also pray that heather and holly will make the right choices. And for my dad and mom as family is coming and they want everything to be perfect. I just wanted to give you a quick update and will be posting pictures of our fun time with nana uncle paul and Aunt julie soon.
Thanks for the Prays


Maddie said...

WOW!!! A sophomore........SCARY!! :)

Hope said...

i knooowwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!