Monday, March 31, 2008

Rocky Balboa Beane 1997-2008

Hey all i have some BAD news. Rocky is going to be put down at 1 today. I have been with him all day. In the morning he was kinda out of it i would say his name then 5 mins later he would finally look at you. Right now at noon he is eating our ice cream but still waiting to go to wherever doggies go. He is in great pain. My mom is happy to say she is making the right decision. I follow whatever she wants to do. But it pains my heart to see my family member that i grew up with just start falling down hill. I love him. He is one of my best friends my brother! He will always stay in our hearts! He was the first dog that the family really loved and brought up correctly and he is known as the lovable rocky!! I thank God that he gives us these pets that it can be easier to live on this dieing earth. Thank you Rocky for all u have done for this family. I'm going to put up some pictures. I hope you enjoy. Thank you Jesus for giving us Rocky Balboa Beane.
In loving hands

P.S we have just taken rocky to the vets. I am very sad to say that he was happy to go. He was sad to leave his family but HE KNEW it was his time. As a puppy he was STRONG willed, and still was a strong boy his heart was still ticking! The only thing that was keeping him a live was his love of food. It was harder then i thought. my mom said her goodbyes on the table, i said my goodbye this morning i stayed with him all day! I got him to go to the bathroom before my grandparents came home and he almost peed all over him self...BUT with a miracle he didn't. So Thank you for reading this! Remember him as the happy BIG boy that would jump to see you! He is the best dog we could of asked for!
P.S.S I will post pictures later...The computer wont let me right at this moment.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Grandmothers house :) w/amanda!

So I will let the pictures explain what we have been doing...I'm to tired to type some stuff!

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Hey all Happy Easter HE IS RISEN!! I am very excited! My mom bought us this little chicken u wind up and then it lays eggs, (bubble gum) and it is sooo cute! I LOVE IT!! So Phil Wickham did music today AHHH he is such a good singer! (you can go to Youtube and type in Phil Wickham) so anyway he is ON FIRE for the Lord! I and amanda are going to my gma's for three days!! AHHH! we are sooo excited! g2g!

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Okay guys here is the song!! I hope this works! I only listened to like the first part!! It is called Beans In My Ears


Oh my jimminey leapers! I and Madison have worked sooo hard on this song that we HATE NOW!! I dont know if you will know it it is called "beans In My Ears" YEAH THE FUNNEST SONG ON EARTH!!! BUT THE CATCHYEST AND THE WERIDEST! If u havent heard it i am going to put it up!! I will put it up!! AHHH THE SONG IS THE WORST! Tell me if it works!

Monday, March 17, 2008


OKay the title of this post is CORRECT!! I HATE MY NOSE! I have the worst sinus trouble! Y? BECAUSE OF THE TOURAMENT! All the girls have it (heather, holly and me) but it should be gone by wensday I HOPE!! It took me about four days to get rid of it last time! So i have been blowing my nose 24-7 Except when i am TOOOO TIRED! Other wise i am blowing blowing blowing blowing blowing.....u get the picture? So other then my nose helping me breathe I WOULD GET RID OF IT IN A SEC!!! well right now. I am soo tired! I started school at 11! YUCK! we got up at 8 i stayed up for like 20mins then fell back to sleep till 9:45! Then i felt a little better! SO anyway i just wanted to tell you! oh and i wanted to let the new guys (grandma and grandpa) that u can leave a comment on what u liked or didn't like on this blog! all u have to do is click on 0 COMMENT unless someone has typed a comment then it will say 1 comment and it will keep going up if people type on it! I hope this helps

Friday, March 14, 2008

Putting up fun pictures!

Holly eating
me and daddy on my sis's b-day
I being crazy because i was tired
I on my sis's 16th b-day
I and amanda
Our apple tree
I and Amanda

Maddie and Sandy
Heather reading the bible!
Me taking pictures of myself late at night
I and Madison
Dont ask....HMMM

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Hangin around!

Hey all just hangin' about! I am really bored! Well i have been lookin on, and looking up the jonas brothers! They are actually christians is actually between them and God. I would go to which is a lot better! most people havent heard of it but it is a really good sight. I am really tired..I have been like for 3 weeks!!!! IDK Y! CAN U TELL ME!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I have been such a bear to live with!! I think i should go for a jog! I should with Zeba! You know i should! I will right now! THen i will eat some fruit!
thanks for giving me an idea! Hee hee

Monday, March 10, 2008

Hype-man w/amanda

Hey all this is the video Amanda and I did!! Lets see if it works!! Let me know if you can watch it! If you can tell me (us) what we think...U can go to and write on her blog! :)

Just trying to see if this works!

Click to play Test one
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Sunday, March 9, 2008

String-Beane fun!

So you all must know that I and my sisters went to the Stringers this weekend!!! I have a few (actually a LOT) of pictures of the String-Beane fun!!!! We were taking pictures like CRAZY!! Mind you I had help! :)! WAHOO!! So Friday night we left at 6:30 kinda a little later because I couldn't find my retainer! SEEE I HAVE ANOTHER THING TO LOOK FOR WHEN I LOSE IT!! I already had to find my rubber bands!!! OKay back to the String-Beanes!!!! WAHOO!! Friday the sleeping arrangments were I and Katelynn (on the couch under the bunkbeds), Holly and Heather (in the guest room), Emily and Bethy (in the bunkbeds) and Hailey in her bed! (of corse Janell and Mr. Stringer slept in there room, GO FIGURE)! So anyway! I and Katelynn slept pretty good! Then Katelynn had to do something so i helped her do it (at 4:00AM) and we were trying to go back to sleep so we decided to talk so that we could fall asleep. Well we heard Bethy say "Hopie, HOPIE" "yes bethey" "can i go ask my mommy if i can come down and talk with you guys?" "no Bethey it is 4:00AM in the morning!". "Oh." Then she was OUT COLD! She went to sleep pretty fast! So that morning was great we ate breakfast and had a great time!! But the string-beanes decided to go to the park! and that was A BLAST (see pictures)!! we took the LOOOONNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG WAYYYYY back! It was soo HOT that we were all tired! But we had a blast anyway!! Then Sunday we went on a HIKE and had the BEST TIME IN THE WORLD!!!!!! But of corse....we had a little accident with Bethy but she got up after a few tears and was off again!! (RUNNING) So in all in all it was a great time!! OHHOHHH on saterday night we had a birthday cake made to The string-Beanes (see pictures!) for all the birthdays we had!! it was the best present in the world!!!! THANK YOU!!!! So i thought I would tell u my weekend! it was the best in the world!!!!!!!! Thank you Stringers!

Because of corse

Happiness is String-beanes! :)

Thank you for the greatest weekend i could of had with you guys!

Friday, March 7, 2008


Hey it has been 18months since we celabrated Heathers sweet 16 now it is HOLLY'S turn!!! Today (march 7, 2008!) Holly is 16 years old!!! We celabrated it last night, so in true Hope fashion i took a lot of pictures!! I wont put them ALL up but i will put the cute ons up!! This year is in even number and we all are going to be even numberd! I will be 14 Heather will be 18 (wow) and Holly is 16!!!!! WAHOOOOO!!! I cant even think about how great this is!!! Here are the pictures!


We love you Holly....ur sis.:)