Yup you read it right 6 days till christmas and no tree... we have been busy and thinking about the holiday season we forgot the most important thing..(GOD IS THE MOST MOST MOST IMPORTANT) but the tree is the second..we all dicorate and play music and stuff....so this year we are going to get the tree in the daylight! SCARY! haha we are getting a little 4 foot...icky! we usually get the 7 foot biggiest tree for the smallest house! so just wanted to let you kno i will blog back soon have a VERY marry christmas! and a happy new year! 2009!!!! wahoo...i grad in 2012!! wahoo!! 4 years :(( anyway love ya
Friday, December 19, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008

WOw. This year has gone so fast! I dont even kno how we got to the end of the year already! I would like to take you back through the year...If i can remember! :P Okay so lets start at march because thats what i can remember! March 31st our loving Rocky Balboa died from cancer and old age. Mykolya was born on March 5 a very cute baby! and BIG! I really wanted to go out and help Trish with him but didn't have the money....Like usual! (i'm actually hoping i'll be able to go out there 2009 winter. That way M&M will be able to remember me! :D I know Maddie will be able to but idk about mykolya! April went by just like another month but a very sad one! After rocky's death our whole family was feeling empty without him. My mom tried to make herself fell better by making comments like "with Rocky gone now we have more room" Or "rocky doesnt make me trip anymore" OR "now we have more room on the floor" AND the saddest one "at least i kno hes not hurting anymore from cancer"! so it was very sad. I and my mom showed it the most by little things like i would cry at night because usually i fall asleep to him snoring and making funny noises! :D but it all i heard was my dads snoring.. so no more synchronize snoring! :( that whole month whenever i saw a lab i would start crying. U wouldn't think a dog had so much impact on a very loud family! but he did and i remember one day i was home alone and (this is kinda gross) but i was either doing my hair or something in the bathroom and two spiders like HUGE I MEAN BIG!!! and i screamed and dropped whatever i had in my hand. Rocky heard and came in and when he pushed the door open he knocked over on of the spiders and i used my shoe to kill it! The other one rocky sat down and i smiled at him and he wagged his tailed and threw the other spider against the door and i killed it with my shoe again! I gave rocky a big high five (he did give me one back) and i can never ever get that memory of that day out of my head and i never want it to leave. When june came around I WAS SO EXCITED because my cousin was coming out in july to spend 9 days with us! those days went by so fast! but they were amazing!!!! :D Heather and Holly took a swim class that summer and totally got buff! :D we did VBS I and heather only they didn't have enough room, for holly! we did 4th grade with our good friend Mrs. Moran and her daughter Laina while her kidz are 4th graders (Sean and Valya) It was really fun. the rest of the summer i spent most of it at my good friend Amanda's house. we spent some time with amanda S. as of June 26 she got her license! :D so she was bee bobbin everywhere! but my mom's rule was that she cant drive us until 6 months of driving. So on christmas day she will be able to drive us even though i dont think she'll want to drive us anywhere..actually its the day after christmas! :D I got texting in the summer too! which was prob my dads biggest nightmare! haha. And everyone elses that i text! I LOVE texting it is great way to stay in contact and to bug ppl! haha jk. but actually i do bug some people wont say names but ummm...(amanda SHAVER!) haha and she will admit it! I heather or holly still dont have any boyfriends which i think heather needs to be thinking about! but shes all in college mood! which is really good for a christian gal! Speaking of college heather and holly will be full time students at college in 2009! :D GO GIRLS! I cant wait till they move out of the house..it will be very quite though! :( I love spending time with my family and friends. Everyone calls me a social butterfly but this year i kinda changed! I love meeting knew people but sometimes its scary which it used to not be for me! :D I did meet some new friends at the christmas cliche'. Mr. shaver wrote a play and kenny was in it like a lot. but anyway i met a new family and their little son Aiden who is 2 i think he JUST turned 2 has green eyes and just the cutest little thing and melts your heart! :D so hopefully we will be able to babysit them. He has an older sister Faith who loved heather and a younger sister Hailey who is a little baby! but that is all i have to say for today! have a Merry christmas and remember 10 DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS! so get your shoppin done! :D Its raining and my mom is trying to peel me off of the computer! so i have to go but i love all of you and dont forget the reason for the season! :D JESUS CHRIST! who died for our sins! :D have a wonderful christmas.
and to all a good day
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Hello to all how are you doing? I havent been putting pictures on because my camera is at the doctors...its mom dropped him! (haha) So i have been sore lately because i actually got on area all stars (meaning we play city teams) and it is a total work out!! We do this whole drill thing that would be my regular whole practice when it is JUST our Warm up. needless to say we all had stomach and arm cramps from the push ups and leggie lifts that go up and down up and down (but cant touch to ground going down)! But it is a blast we work on all kinds of stuff. I found out i was actually doing a illegal throw ins. Sam and I were hurting last night and now i stilll am!! I cant beleive amanda is doing fine!! this stuff HURTS!! but it is a blast! We are a really good team and all work really good together so hopefully we will win all 4 games and move on into Febuary!! I cant wait!!! So christmas is coming around the cornor and everyone is asking for christmas lists!!! i would say what i want on this but then everyone will see it and might buy doubles! So i tell everyone different things! I really want a "Ripley beleive it or not" book and a Guinness world record (2009) book!! so will see what happends! haha i love looking at wacky stuff! So i'll talk to you guys later and comment and tell me what you guys want for christmas!
Friday, November 14, 2008
College campus and more
Hey everyone how y'all doing? Heather Holly My dad and Mom went to CAL state San marcos. Checked out the campus and said it was BIG and very pretty. I didn't go thinking it was educational and wat kid wants to do that on a gorgeous saturday!!!!!!! :P SO they checked it out then came home picked me up and we went to star bucks and subway! YUMMY! Then we came home Holly studyed and i went to a soccer game (AMANDA ONE 1st PLACE PLAYOFFS!!!) GO FLASH!!! WOW! Well i better go i am working on my cousins gift :D it will take a while! :D talk to you guys later
Monday, November 10, 2008
Update on Sandy
Hi all I cleaned sandy's wounds and it actually looks very good. From Neo Sporn it has gotton some scaps so it is actually really good. I cleaned it today and he didn't struggle and i could do it alone. I think he is actually listening to me better now that i am taking care of his wounds and carrying him around the yard because he is so sore!!! just wanted to give you a quick update! O and BTW i did find another tooth mark right by the other 2 inch on his shoulder. It isent deep at all looks like it was used as a stabilser to keep him from bitting the coyote even more. So i think the coyote is actually coming back B/C while i was doing the dishes Sandy was at the door sleeping but woke up out of a dead sleep and started crawling. So i dont know what is out there and dont really wanna find out. SO i keep sandy close to me. Good luck whoever has little dogs and coyotes keep the dog close to the house and with other big dogs. God Bless and good night!
Friday, November 7, 2008
poor poor Sandy!
Well we have a story even better then Zeba's!!!!! Sandy was outside all alone (BTW i was at my team party and wasn't home:(() and my mom and sisters were at home. They heard the sound of coyotes yelling up a storm like they always do. then the next thing my mom knew was they heard sandy screaming bloody murder. Well he had a good reason to scream. a big Coyote was pinning sandy to the ground OUTside of our fence!!!!! we can not decide how he got out!!!! I think the Coyote dragged him under the fence and it makes since...See he is hurting on the right side back leg and the two puncture wounds are on his left side....sooooo i think he gripped him from the left and drug him to were he pinned him down and was trying to get a better grip to shake....that is when my mom found him. She yelled at the coyote and he didn't leave till she was about 10 to 15 feet away. That's when she grabbed sandy and pushed the coyote off of him. Or the back end of him since he was running to leave. And Sandy got right back up and tried to go back after the coyote. But my mom took him and got him into the bath tub and gave him a bath. Because it looks like the battle was actually rolling around for a while!!! my mom said he looked disgusting. And smelled bad...he let go of his analglans (usually happens when something grabs you and tries to eat you!). So when i got home i saw him in his crate shaking and licking his wounds. He was in shock (or at least that is what we though) and he wasn't responding to my voice which scared me. Usually he looks at me and gives me these eyes that are ADORABLE!!! LOL! But he didn't and so after i sat there for a while i opened his crate (with one arm keeping Zeba back because she wanted all the attention!) and i touched him. He was cold and tired looking. I went in the kitchen and got him some cheese (HE LOVES CHEESE, doesn't take after his mom there yuck hate cheese) and so i had to peel it thin like so he could eat it. Then in the morning I was thinking of taking him to the vets and when i saw him under my bed and i tried to call him out, he couldn't get out. Like i called him and he was half way out but he had to bend his back and he couldn't and started crying at me and looking at me so i called holly in to lift the bed up while i pull him out. He got out and i was examining him and found another Sore (that my mom didn't find) right on the top of his neck. Like where the collar is but it was kinda more down towards the body. So we figured out how the Coyote grabbed him! When i called my dad and told him i wanted to take him in and asked him he said we could. I convinced him by saying well we better get it now and try to stop the infection before there really is one and then we will have a bigger vet bill! (i am genus!) so we took him in and the doctor was so surprised that Sandy actually made it out alive! Poor little dude! I held him while we were waiting and he was like a little vibrating machine! he was nervous to be going in. But the doc took great care of him. and showed us how deep it was by sticking his scissors into both wounds. It was about 2 inches into his shoulder wound and about an inch. The doctor said he is lucky he didn't get his shoulder ripped off because that is what the coyote was trying to do., plus he said that the coyote has tasted his blood and probably will come back and try to get him again! so we have to watch sandy closely at night. right now he is doing okay just resting outside for the moment i check on him every couple Min's! So just pray he heals quickly and no infections!!
Love Hope
Love Hope
Monday, October 20, 2008
Hello! sorry been a while :D
Hey guys it is hope again!!! We havent really dont anything to exciting...but we did get some senior pictures of heather and holly!!! wahooo!!! and i got my schooll ID and some school pictures! (thanks Mrs. Hebert!) School has been hard...and time consuming!!! I cant beleive i am in high school...wow. Homecoming is coming up but i dont think i am going to go. It sounds fun but i dont have anyone to go with except Maddie and I dont know if she would like to go. I dont think that is her kind of thing! (right Mad)? wow i am worn out! Heather and Holly are watching Sean Laina and Vayla so they brought them over sunday and we did a lot which wore me out! LOL! wow they can go and go and go and go and go and GO! haha. But thats the fun of being a kid!!! wahoo!!! I still can go and go and go but not that much!! LOL! Well all the family is doing good my dad got sick finally so i think the sickness is going to leave! We all got it so it should leave! Dad just asked if i was typeing something cool (he said writting but i know what he means :P!) SO i have to TYPE something cool about him....HMMMM>.....let me think.....Okay got it!!....wait it just left my head....OKAY GOT IT!!!....He ran 30 miles, Saved a Cat from a tree, did his job at work, and did a side job....PLUS being an awesome dad at home and still had energy to bug me! Yup Yup that is pretty cool!!!!! So for the record i said something cool about him! wahoo!! You know i think my typeing has gotton better! I have been doing typeing for my studying and it has been helping my typeing skills and my studying! :D isent that cool?!?!?! Well nothing else is up except that my team (GO FIRE!!!) took 2nd (you where thinking 2nd as in right after first huh!?) NOPE we took 2nd to the LAST!! But we are going to try to get it back for playoffs!!! Lets HOPE this works. My coach has been saying that lately and it is pretty funny! haha not really but i mean it keeps him happy! Expeccially if i am not listening he will say something like "I HOPE you are listening." and then i go hahaha WHAT?!?!? LOL! It is pretty funny!! well i have to go to dishes and rest my legs for some reason they have been hurting a lot! and plus they are really itchy from i think the heating blanket might be having a reaction...lets HOPE not! okay so goodnight and talk to you later!
Dont forget to VOTE!
Dont forget to VOTE!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Soooooooooooooooo...................... WHATS UP?!?!? Please comment on the blog! I love hearing what you guys are doing! We are watching super nanny! It is pretty BAD BAD BAD! There like 14 and older kids and like they are pretty crazy!!! Nanny is like OMG do you want your daughter to get pregnant that is what you are making becoming OR something like that and it is driving me crazy but someone said that while they are on the show they make the kidz be at the WORST WORST WORST so you know you cant trust everything that you see on T.V. But Ghost Whisperer was great!!!!! O i don't know if I told you but i actually cut my hair!!! It just touches my shoulder KINDA so it is pretty short! Mom curled it for the pictures and it looked great!!! Heather and Holly did senior pictures and i just did reg school pictures.. You all will be getting some!! Mom did our make up so we looked very pretty!!! I will post some as soon as i get them which will be prob this Sunday! okay ttyl! Bye bye
Friday, September 12, 2008
So it is 10:40PM and I have to wake up early tomorrow for our party and my soccer game! I CAN NOT SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHH!!! I did my ipod and now i am doing my camera to make sure the music and pictures are going to be ready! Geeze i didn't know how much excitement you get when planning a b-day party!!!!! I will be posting pictures and some words of what happend at the party! We will be playing three games. Game #1 MY GAME! haha it is count the candy peices in the container! easy! Game #2 HEATHERS GAME!!! Okay heathers game is called pass the parcell. But it is so simple you just keep unrapping and passing the package till it is all the way unrapped! Really simple! game #3 MOMMY'S GAME! Okay mommys game gets a little more complicated! YOU HAVE TO KNOW HEATHER AND I! Since we are an open book it is pretty easy! LOL! SHe hasent told us what the questions are going to be like or what they are!!!!! I am really scared they are going to be embarrassing! :P Lets hope not! LOL! I am in charge of music! That is easy since i LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE music!!!!! ANY KIND!!! Even rap if it is under control! (mainly Christian!) Taylor swift has a new music video out called Love Story! O MY GOODNESS I LOVE IT!!!! You should watch it! I watched it on CMT OR CMA.com. Dont know which one! LOL. I have music from the beach boys to toby mac! Very interesting! LOL! O and avril lavegnge. Or however you spell her name! LOL! WOw i cant consintrate! I AM SO EXCITED AND NERVOUS AND LIKE YEAH IT has been a while since we had a party. Except the girly sleep over Heather and I did for our 13th and 17th! It was a blast so now we are turning 14 (me) and 18 (heather) wow she is old! JK JK JK JK!! But i mean it seems like yesterday we were playing barbies! Just kiddin! But seriously we still goof off and stuff! But speaking of heather i have to make her card so i better Go!!! Love you!!!!!!!!
P.S Kelly and maddie i hope you got in Organ ok!!!!!
P.S Kelly and maddie i hope you got in Organ ok!!!!!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Anniversary TODAY and more!
hey guys its September!!!!! that means that is it my mom and dads anniversary TODAY!!!!! I have some pictures of what my mom and dad made for us!!!! Because of them we can we are here today and we are like we are!!! (even the bad parts of us) SO this would make it 20 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yahoo!!!!! Heather Holly and I are so happy to have a dad and mom who loves us so much! They care so much for us that they deal with us everyday (my mom all day long with homeschool!)) GOOO MOM! She is going to go back home (Michigan) in about 9 to 8 days!!!!!!! I dont even know if daddy remembers its his anniversary today! HM... But the other things happening in september are (In order) Mom and dads Anniversary, Moms Birthday, Heathers Birthday and My birthday!!!!!! WAHOO!!!!!! I have some bad news too. Zeba had a seizure yesterday.. I wasn't home but my friends mom walked in and she screamed and fell over and started freaking. Holly said she had to get her legs to work again it was like Jello! My baby actually is a epileptic. She is doing fine now but everyonce in a while she will just have a seizure. Like i think it has been about 4 to 6 months since the last one but are getting closer together. :((((((( But she is going to turn 4 O MY GOODNESS 4??!?!?!? Wow she is old! she is 21 in doggie years. WOW she can drink. LOL! If you were wondering I and Heathers ages are 14 and 18!! Heather is going to be a legal adult thingy! GOod for her! Well i am signing off and going to hang with holly since heather left to get my gift!! I got her something special too!!!! Cant wait to tell you!!!!!!! Alrighty i hope you like the pictures!
Heather annibell and Holly
I and maddie having fun!
I and maddie being weird!
Sophie Zeba and the bear
Zeba and the bear
Hope! Do i look good?????
Hope and amanda getting money for the scrapbook
Brianna, Holly, Hope, Daddy, Heater Got soaked after Alantis @ seaworld!
Laina, Heather, Holly and Maddie (I and kelly were taking pictures with our cool cameras at Team Issa thingy!

Monday, September 8, 2008
Hey guys I finally have my ankle back!!!! It is ready to play soccer!!!! No more swallen parts and it is nice and looks just like my other one! No wait i just looked at it is still a little puffy! But that is it! I AM SO EXCITED!! Saturday i thought i was back to normal for good and i jumped on it ran on it jogged on it walked on it SWAM ON IT!!! and geeze did it hurt really bad on sunday! But at this moment it doesnt hurt and looks pretty much normal! SO I AM HEALED!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAHOO!!! I want to go to practice tomorrow but i dont think my parents will let me! I think i have to wait till thursday. That will be good. Then i have a practice before Sat. MY GAME! Plus i have Mine and Heathers b-day party that day!!! AHH IT IS IN 5 DAYS!!!! WAHOO! Now i just have to survive the week with out getting so excited I forget about school! or start day dreaming about it i dont pay attition yes it can happen in Homeschool too!!!!! But right now dinner is ready so i have to go.. But i will be posting pictures on our flikr. site. All you have to do is look at the "links" On the side of our blog and look for the one that says Hope's Pictures. THen go there and check it all out!! GOD BLESS YOU!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Strange week.
Well It has been a strange week for all of us. (mainly for me! LOL) Well on monday (26th) Heather and Holly started classes. That was cool I just went to my friends house and stayed there all day. When i got home my dad wanted to go to the Shavers to drop off veggies and pickles and all that good stuff! So that was fun we talked to Kenny the whole time because amanda was at work. :( bummer but we had fun :) Then on Tuesday I had soccer practice so we went to that! On Wensday Kenny had his surgery for his miniscus or however you spell that! I texted him that night and made sure he was okay and he was! :) thats good :) Thursday we sat around and then i had soccer practice again. While i was there (of corse it was the only day and that holly dropped me off and my friend was taking me home) I hurt my ankle! I and another girl hit each other WOW she has a strong foot!!!!!! Then on Fri. all i did was sit in the chair with ice on my ankle! O we watched A LOT I MEAN A LOT OF Major Dad.! On sat. I and my dad went to my grandparents house to paint and stuff I told my mom i would just sit and have ice on my ankle HA! I Walked Ran and was singing that song FREEDOMMM FREEDDOMMM! JK. But i did do a lot of stuff. WHICH made it hurt Worse but i was so tired of being stuck in a chair! That Day i called Heather to come get me so we can go to wal*mart for some party Decor. It was fun but we dont have a theme anymore. Unless we wanted Hannah Montana! No thanks. I'll pass. So sunday it hurt so bad all i did was sit in my bed. I didn't get to go to church :(((( But we went to the Shavers at 3 and Kenny had is knee rapped and i had my ankle! So we limped around and had our knee and ankles up and just walked around! BUT everytime we tried everyone would be like "SIT DOWN" so we had to stay seated! Which was fun also! We came home and amanda came with us so we just talked untill 1 then those college sleepy heads went to bed. So it is monday again now and we just ate breakfast took showers amanda played with my hair. and then amanda left at 12:30 to go back home we left at 12:45 to pick up my grandparents then we went to the shavers picked up a bag from there house that we left sunday. Then went to Tom's 24 that has the best hamburgars!! and fries! I think all we did the rest of the day was sit around watch a movie go on the computer and play A game not 2 or 3 But A game. LOL. Then Tues Sept 2. Was our first day of school. :( and :) I was sad that vacation was over but i was happy becuase i would be on a sechdule! So becuase of my hurt ankle i couldn't go to practice but instead i went to spport my team and just sat and watched for at least 45 mins. OKay so today is wens. and heather and holly are already at college taking classes! SO i have to go start my school! I love you all!!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Hey all you must of got your invatations so i will tell all!!!! I and heather are actually having a b-day Party yes you read it right P-A-R-T-Y! we had one last year but it was a sleep over with only like 4 girls! It was a blast but small. This year we are going to my gma's and have a bash!!!!! Yes dancing! JK. I am a terrible dancer! my mom and dad are good though! so will see if we can get them to do a country song! Will have hamburgars and Hotdogs. it is going to be F-U-N! right now i hear my mom pullin in from work so it is 11:48pm. I thought i would get on and share a few words. Everyone else is sleeping! Very VERY lonly!! But i put together some party music and i am testing it out! I LIKE IT!!! Some slow and fast stuff! OOOO and Holly did my nails so i have fake nails tapping on the keyboard which is VERY loud! haha. Sophie and Z keep moving and scaring me!!!!! agrrhhhh stop it! lol. I am very easy to scare! haha. I think everyone knows it too. OOO the beach boys are on!! LOVE IT! I have veggie tales on this too! If you wanna know what I want for my birthday I cant help you there! I just want some cute stuff!! I want a hottie that has some cool logo on it or like a tee shirt that is cute! LIKE REALLY CUTE! I love clothes!!! And music! and Nail stuff! I like anything yu will get me! ~lol~ I thought it would be easier to tell you on here then tellin everyone who calls. Hopefully everyone will come! If i and heather caculated right then we should have 33 ppl. But we just found out that very good family friends prob wont make it. Which would put it down tooooo....31 or.....like 20 something! So hmmmm...Idk. well my mom says i should go to bed. YAWN But i'm not tired!!!!!! :D lol. well i should go to bed have to get up early for church. So ttyl. Hope you can make my party!!!!!!!!!! I love partys....Okay okay i'm getting off.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Zeba's Adventure
Well if you havent heard about zeba's CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY ADVENTURE then here it goes! So On Sunday we had flyball at 10 instead of 4. SO we came home right after church and got ready to go. We were only going to take 3 dogs so we were taking my dads truck. We put Zeba and Jazz in the Back Bed in crates. Well they are Fold downs. HINT #1 NEVER USE FOLD DOWN CRATES IN THE BACK OF A TRUCK!!!!! So i set up zebas and got her in. Then we got Jazzie in. We were driving and have fun dododododo. U know the Usual drive. When we get to Practice my mom looks at me and says do you have zeba? I almost start laughing when i was like no shes in the crate. My moms like well no shes not!!!!!! I START FREAKING!!!! I MEAN FREAKING!!!!!! Think of your most prized belonging and losing it and thinking it is YOUR fault! THat is how i felt! I didn't double or triple check zebas crate like I always try to do! Which i usally do! So now the whole team knows i lost my dog! I was scared to death! I called my dad and told him what was going on. I was crying screaming and trying to find her at the same time. Wasent pretty!!!! HINT #2 DO NOT GET STRESSED OUT KEEP CALM AND PRAY! I was praying hard let me tell ya that! I was thinking OMG SHE GOT HIT BY A CAR OR SHES SCARED TO DEATH AND SHE DOESNT KNOW WHERE SHE IS!!!! OR SHE BROKE HER LEG!!!! AHHH i was freaked! Well my dad says okay i will take the Van and come towards you looking for her. THats what he did! and we were driving home Yelling with the windows down (I was just crying) we get to country club about 3 blocks away from the house. My dad calls the cell and says hes found her! I was crying with JOY!!! Geesh HINT #3 IF YOU DAD SAYS SHES OKAY DONT THINK SHE IS PERFECT AGAIN! THE DOG WILL HAVE BOOBOOS!!!!!! So My mom says okay go get her and will go back to practice! HA yeah right!!!! I get home and she is all scratched up! But the funny thing was she was licking me and she like never licks me!!!!! SO she was VERY VERY VERY SSCARED!!!!! But she is safe and the scratches are like all healed as you can see in these pictures just follow the link!!! God Bless
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Hey Guys!!!
Hey all, How you doing? I and my family have been a little busy!! I forgot that i needed to write on the blog!! LOL! sorry bloggers! My dad and sister are watching lord of the rings and it is getting annoying because they have like watched all of them! Heather is asleep or going asleep and my mom is at work :(. my latest thing right now is trying to get my dad to get me a camera phone for my b-day! The problem isent buying the phone but paying the monthley bill! OH HOW DO I HATE BILLS!!! Someone should write a song about it! I mean so many people hate bills!!! (if you do find it on youtube post it on a comment!) :) I have been chillin at home and just being lazy. But that is going to change since i have soccer tues and Thursday nights. I will be trying to start a jogging sechdule on Monday Wensday Saturday (until the games start) and Sunday. To keep in shape!! If i do that i think i would be in great shape!! So tomorrow is thursday so i cant start then but i will try to start on friday! O thats the other day FRIDAY! haha! i FORGOT IT! How could i forget friday! When do you think i should jog in the night or morning?????? Like 8 or 9 Am or like 6 or 7 in the PM??? AHH i cant deside!!!!! so i will figure it out!!! I think i am going to change it up a LOT! I like change! and then ill have to do it in the NOON day so that it is Hot. First i'll go slow then i'll go faster and further!!! I want to do it with zeba so she is going to learn to jog with me not in front or behind! She already knows how to but she hates staying RIGHT with me! haha. Hmmm i want Ice cream....SOrry random! I'm so happy the coach kinda knows me then there is a girl who was on my team before who knows me and we were none stop talking (we got in trouble) but since he wants me to be the "leader" He excused it! But i hope the other girls who come are leaders!!!!! Because i dont know if i am a good one!!!!!!!!! AHH! Well I am going to go to bed. But if you have unlimated or have texting i will be texting you tomorrow!! :) *giggle*
I love you
I love you
Monday, July 7, 2008
Happy belated 4th of July

Hi everyone, Well i think we should first tell you what my dad has been up too! He has planted Tomato Cucumber and peppers or something ALL over the yard! SO when the tomatoes come in and if we have a lot PLEASE TAKE SOME!!!! I hate tomato's well sorta i only like them if they are mixed into something!! My mom has been working hard. She gets Sundays and one day of the week off. SO she is working 5 days a week. We just went shopping, Holly got a pair of shorts a nice shirt and she got Jesse shorts for 2 dollars for 2. Heather got i think 2 shirts. My Grandma got a shirt pants and i think another shirt. My mom got lots of shorts, 1 pair of pants, and a work shirt. I got a pair of shorts (just like Holly's except different color)(Same size too if you were wondering.) A $3 shirt that matches the shorts and a coolio shirt that has a lot of flowers and is pink. Oh and i got a pair of Jesse shorts because holly gave me one of hers. So it was busy day yesterday. Then I went to my friends house and went swimming for about 4 hours. I got there at 1:30 and after a while Mrs. Puryear came out and said i had to go home dinner was ready. So i was like um okay it must be 3 already. I get changed and look at my phone (like always) and i see it is like 5:27!!! It was crazy. I got a little red on my shoulders and my pack. I'm happy because it doesn't hurt! For the 4Th of July we went over to the Shavers house and had a blast! Every year they have the biggest bash ever and we go every year. I think this year was the biggest!!!! GO SHAVERS! WAHOO!! They guys in the pool where throwing kidz like crazy and scaring my mom to death! But we had fun talking to Denise and Lisa. Lisa is 8 or 7 months pregnant and Denise has 4 kidz that are really good. So we had fun talking to them while the guys played games. We played a game called Conga IT IS SOOO FUN! YOU SHOULD GET IT! We were laughing so hard. Then at the fireworks I met up with Amanda O. and her family so we talked till 10:30 about our family. Our moms are the SAME! WOW i didn't know there was two. hahahaha. I got texting a while back and i have been texting Amanda Shaver like crazy. I think she is getting annoyed wait scratch that SHE IS ANNOYED! But that is what little sisters are for. She likes it though. (way way way down) Kelly has come home from Mussuri and Maddie is soo happy! When i was there Saturday they were all coming up to me saying Kellys coming home at 12am today!! They all love her so much! I know she loves them too! Their such a cute family! My dad is getting side jobs like crazy! He is so happy! MONEY MONEY MONEY! JK :P Zeba and her BFFL went in the pool with My BFFL and had so much fun! We have scratches up and down our arms though! Well God Bless and Safe travels to all!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
What a month!!!

Phew we finally slowed down to get on the computer and share a few words. Well Heather and Holly have finished finals at College!!! They are really excited!! But they still dont know how they did!! I know they did good! :D! I have been doing the yard work with my dad to earn texting! So finally after 4 satardays of work on the yard i got it!! I am so excited!! I'm actually getting faster!!!!!!! WAHOO! I Heather and Holly have Guilde coming up but we are so nervous!! I'm doing ten songs again and holly is doing ten for her first year!! GO HOLLY GO!! Heather is doing a differnt catagorie so she doesnt have to do it memorized *Lucky Chick* but she is doing a good amount of songs! Last year it wasent that bad. Yesterday Holly and Dad went out and bought National Treasures 2!! My mom is watching it now! She is excited! My dad is teaching Holly moves for self defense! I need to learn them but i hear them and i think i got it! The Stringers left last month too. So that was a bummer but they go where God takes them! So i guess Maryland was where they need to go! OH OH OH i think i told you that i won this thing for my mom for mothers day and all i got was flowers for her BUT yesterday this gal emailed me and asked for my address! So we are going to get the rest of the prize!! I think we are getting a spa treatment for her! WAHOO!!! Well i better go. Hope you enjoyed the pictures!
God Bless you
*Smile Jesus Loves You*
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Hey Guys we got a new computer! It is an HP Windows vista. It is big and cool! I found out that i can make videos on it! It is so exciting! I already made one! I cant wait to try another one! But first i have to get some videos on the computer! So i just thought I would up date you that we got a new computer and are having fun with it!!
have a great day
God Bless
have a great day
God Bless
Testing One Two Three can u see me?
Hey can you guys see holly and jazz? PLUS hear the music? If so please comment or email me: Godsbeaniebaby@gmail.com
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
70th post!!!!!!
HEY GUYS THIS IS MY 70TH POST!! WAHOO! I cant believe that I have done that many! Well last weekend was so much fun! We went to Romona and did a dog tournament! It was very very VERY windy! But we had a BLAST! Lickety splits did a good job! Zeba is now a food hound! She wants food to run and like a good mom I am going to let her have it! (the spoiled little girl)! How does everyone like the music? I love the song that my Grandma recommended! it is called summer place. I love it! It is soo soothing! I don't think we did anything else. George came down a while ago and i have some funny pictures of him! We went out to dinner my dad and him smoked some cigars and we all had a great time! Let me know if you have any music you would like to listen too! well got to go write a book report...Fun...Not.
I will type on soon!
Your Blogger.
I will type on soon!
Your Blogger.
Friday, April 11, 2008
This week.
Soo...this week has been INTERESTING. Lets see what did we do Monday? Hmm I dont remember but i'm pretty sure we just did school. Because i dont remember. So On Tuesday we (i and mommy) droped off heather Holly and kelly at college. Then did earns and stuff so it was fun! So this week i have just been hanging out. I want to do a sleep over with madison for a weekend. Fri-Sun. Soo i have been trying to figure out the dates. HMM..okay well i better go..Oh u guys want pictures? okay!! Here i go posting funny pictures again...Hope you like them
i will type on soon
Love your blogger
Hope.Monday, April 7, 2008
Rocky's ashes..
Hey all well yesterday we got Rocky's ashes!! so we are done with rocky we have his paw print, his collar and his ashes all in a box that SMELLS SOO GOOD!!! I told Janell and my mom this is the first time rocky actually smells good!!! Usually his breathe is the WORST so u couldn't smell anything but that!! But luckily i smelled his fur before he died so it did smell pretty good. Anyway...I was thinking with Kelly that this blog is kinda turning into Hope's blog. So i thought today i would type about what family is doing! ARE YOU READY FOR EXCITEMENT. Mommy is brushing Sophie, Heather and Holly are doing school, and My dad is at the Moran's house!! YAHOO WASN'T THAT EXCITING??? Heather and Holly are doing a class at Palomar. Spanish, and then they are hoping to do Swimming this summer!! That should be fun! okay back to me! My dad is "thinking" about getting me texting!!! I AM SOO EXCITED!! I really want texting!! So i may get texting if he can convince my mom to let me have it!! I said i would earn it I will do yard work and stuff..Speaking of yard work i should go to some!! I will!! I will type on soon!
love your blogger
love your blogger
Friday, April 4, 2008
Hmmmm.....Well that is all i am doing lately thinking thinking and THINKING!! We have been doing school like crazy!! I have been getting it done at least!! YAHOO!! Heather and Holly have college on Tuesdays and Thursdays. THEN we have piano on Thursday too!! On Friday we have p.e...(which is REALLY FUN). So we have been very busy! Then i have been playing with Zeba and i have a WHOLE bunch of bruises from ruff housing with her!! They are up and down my arm. OUCH! They don't hurt that bad though!! So anyway we have been thinking about Rocky and how great he was for us! He was (and is) the best dog we ever had! So just thought i would tell you what we have been up to! My mom is calling me to SCHOOL AGAIN!! I will type on soon!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
2nd day with rocky gone...
Well The 2nd day with rocky gone still isent better. I am still a mess. last night i kept waking up and trying to hear him snoring and couldn't here anything, so i started crying. Then like 1 later i did the same then for like 4 times. It is really hard for me to lose sombody that has been with me my whole life!!! SINCE I WAS 3!! So it has been hard seeing him fall down and i thought i wouldn't be so heart broken because i saw him suffering. But with him suffering or not he was still there to hold me when i was sad. I thank God everyday for my pets! Zeba has been on my heals all day because she knows i am sad! Sophie licks my tears away everytime i cry. Jazz is to excited about a Pigion this lady found and we are keeping in the house till they he is better. So jazz hasent been paying that close attion. Sandy well mommy boped his head with the gate. and Houston has been acting like Rocky!!! He has been on my moms heals!! So now I'm just waiting till i am use to him being gone. OKay have a happy day.
In Gods Hands
In Gods Hands
Monday, March 31, 2008
Rocky Balboa Beane 1997-2008

Hey all i have some BAD news. Rocky is going to be put down at 1 today. I have been with him all day. In the morning he was kinda out of it i would say his name then 5 mins later he would finally look at you. Right now at noon he is eating our ice cream but still waiting to go to wherever doggies go. He is in great pain. My mom is happy to say she is making the right decision. I follow whatever she wants to do. But it pains my heart to see my family member that i grew up with just start falling down hill. I love him. He is one of my best friends my brother! He will always stay in our hearts! He was the first dog that the family really loved and brought up correctly and he is known as the lovable rocky!! I thank God that he gives us these pets that it can be easier to live on this dieing earth. Thank you Rocky for all u have done for this family. I'm going to put up some pictures. I hope you enjoy. Thank you Jesus for giving us Rocky Balboa Beane.
In loving hands
P.S we have just taken rocky to the vets. I am very sad to say that he was happy to go. He was sad to leave his family but HE KNEW it was his time. As a puppy he was STRONG willed, and still was a strong boy his heart was still ticking! The only thing that was keeping him a live was his love of food. It was harder then i thought. my mom said her goodbyes on the table, i said my goodbye this morning i stayed with him all day! I got him to go to the bathroom before my grandparents came home and he almost peed all over him self...BUT with a miracle he didn't. So Thank you for reading this! Remember him as the happy BIG boy that would jump to see you! He is the best dog we could of asked for!
P.S.S I will post pictures later...The computer wont let me right at this moment.
In loving hands
P.S we have just taken rocky to the vets. I am very sad to say that he was happy to go. He was sad to leave his family but HE KNEW it was his time. As a puppy he was STRONG willed, and still was a strong boy his heart was still ticking! The only thing that was keeping him a live was his love of food. It was harder then i thought. my mom said her goodbyes on the table, i said my goodbye this morning i stayed with him all day! I got him to go to the bathroom before my grandparents came home and he almost peed all over him self...BUT with a miracle he didn't. So Thank you for reading this! Remember him as the happy BIG boy that would jump to see you! He is the best dog we could of asked for!
P.S.S I will post pictures later...The computer wont let me right at this moment.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Hey all Happy Easter HE IS RISEN!! I am very excited! My mom bought us this little chicken u wind up and then it lays eggs, (bubble gum) and it is sooo cute! I LOVE IT!! So Phil Wickham did music today AHHH he is such a good singer! (you can go to Youtube and type in Phil Wickham) so anyway he is ON FIRE for the Lord! I and amanda are going to my gma's for three days!! AHHH! we are sooo excited! g2g!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Okay guys here is the song!! I hope this works! I only listened to like the first part!! It is called Beans In My Ears
Oh my jimminey leapers! I and Madison have worked sooo hard on this song that we HATE NOW!! I dont know if you will know it it is called "beans In My Ears" YEAH THE FUNNEST SONG ON EARTH!!! BUT THE CATCHYEST AND THE WERIDEST! If u havent heard it i am going to put it up!! I will put it up!! AHHH THE SONG IS THE WORST! Tell me if it works!
Monday, March 17, 2008
OKay the title of this post is CORRECT!! I HATE MY NOSE! I have the worst sinus trouble! Y? BECAUSE OF THE TOURAMENT! All the girls have it (heather, holly and me) but it should be gone by wensday I HOPE!! It took me about four days to get rid of it last time! So i have been blowing my nose 24-7 Except when i am TOOOO TIRED! Other wise i am blowing blowing blowing blowing blowing.....u get the picture? So other then my nose helping me breathe I WOULD GET RID OF IT IN A SEC!!! well right now. I am soo tired! I started school at 11! YUCK! we got up at 8 i stayed up for like 20mins then fell back to sleep till 9:45! Then i felt a little better! SO anyway i just wanted to tell you! oh and i wanted to let the new guys (grandma and grandpa) that u can leave a comment on what u liked or didn't like on this blog! all u have to do is click on 0 COMMENT unless someone has typed a comment then it will say 1 comment and it will keep going up if people type on it! I hope this helps
Friday, March 14, 2008
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