hey guys its September!!!!! that means that is it my mom and dads anniversary TODAY!!!!! I have some pictures of what my mom and dad made for us!!!! Because of them we can we are here today and we are like we are!!! (even the bad parts of us) SO this would make it 20 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yahoo!!!!! Heather Holly and I are so happy to have a dad and mom who loves us so much! They care so much for us that they deal with us everyday (my mom all day long with homeschool!)) GOOO MOM! She is going to go back home (Michigan) in about 9 to 8 days!!!!!!! I dont even know if daddy remembers its his anniversary today! HM... But the other things happening in september are (In order) Mom and dads Anniversary, Moms Birthday, Heathers Birthday and My birthday!!!!!! WAHOO!!!!!! I have some bad news too. Zeba had a seizure yesterday.. I wasn't home but my friends mom walked in and she screamed and fell over and started freaking. Holly said she had to get her legs to work again it was like Jello! My baby actually is a epileptic. She is doing fine now but everyonce in a while she will just have a seizure. Like i think it has been about 4 to 6 months since the last one but are getting closer together. :((((((( But she is going to turn 4 O MY GOODNESS 4??!?!?!? Wow she is old! she is 21 in doggie years. WOW she can drink. LOL! If you were wondering I and Heathers ages are 14 and 18!! Heather is going to be a legal adult thingy! GOod for her! Well i am signing off and going to hang with holly since heather left to get my gift!! I got her something special too!!!! Cant wait to tell you!!!!!!! Alrighty i hope you like the pictures!

Heather annibell and Holly

I and maddie having fun!

I and maddie being weird!


Sophie Zeba and the bear

Zeba and the bear

Hope! Do i look good?????

Hope and amanda getting money for the scrapbook

Brianna, Holly, Hope, Daddy, Heater Got soaked after Alantis @ seaworld!

KISSES from Hope

Laina, Heather, Holly and Maddie (I and kelly were taking pictures with our cool cameras at Team Issa thingy!

Maddie putting the dinner slip into the envolope

Hmmmm CRAZY HAIR!!!!
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