Thursday, March 20, 2008


Oh my jimminey leapers! I and Madison have worked sooo hard on this song that we HATE NOW!! I dont know if you will know it it is called "beans In My Ears" YEAH THE FUNNEST SONG ON EARTH!!! BUT THE CATCHYEST AND THE WERIDEST! If u havent heard it i am going to put it up!! I will put it up!! AHHH THE SONG IS THE WORST! Tell me if it works!


Maddie said...

THAT SONG IS TERRIBLE!!!!! ARGG I AM SO SICK OF IT!!! But I guess we earned the right to say that when we had to listen to it about 15 times to record it and then our parents showed it to wasn't nice.

Hope said...

my mom showed it to a lot of people..Did your mom do it too??

Maddie said...

YES! she showed it to lindsey and jason, and I know she would have showed it to more people if she had the chance, but fortunately i "lost" it from my movie file on my computer! LOL

Hope said...

ha ha ha!!! that is soo funny! But i think i really did lost my copy!!! So i cant send it to my aunt! oops! BUT I REALLY MEAN OOPS! LOL!!