So it is 10:40PM and I have to wake up early tomorrow for our party and my soccer game! I CAN NOT SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHH!!! I did my ipod and now i am doing my camera to make sure the music and pictures are going to be ready! Geeze i didn't know how much excitement you get when planning a b-day party!!!!! I will be posting pictures and some words of what happend at the party! We will be playing three games. Game #1 MY GAME! haha it is count the candy peices in the container! easy! Game #2 HEATHERS GAME!!! Okay heathers game is called pass the parcell. But it is so simple you just keep unrapping and passing the package till it is all the way unrapped! Really simple! game #3 MOMMY'S GAME! Okay mommys game gets a little more complicated! YOU HAVE TO KNOW HEATHER AND I! Since we are an open book it is pretty easy! LOL! SHe hasent told us what the questions are going to be like or what they are!!!!! I am really scared they are going to be embarrassing! :P Lets hope not! LOL! I am in charge of music! That is easy since i LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE music!!!!! ANY KIND!!! Even rap if it is under control! (mainly Christian!) Taylor swift has a new music video out called Love Story! O MY GOODNESS I LOVE IT!!!! You should watch it! I watched it on CMT OR Dont know which one! LOL. I have music from the beach boys to toby mac! Very interesting! LOL! O and avril lavegnge. Or however you spell her name! LOL! WOw i cant consintrate! I AM SO EXCITED AND NERVOUS AND LIKE YEAH IT has been a while since we had a party. Except the girly sleep over Heather and I did for our 13th and 17th! It was a blast so now we are turning 14 (me) and 18 (heather) wow she is old! JK JK JK JK!! But i mean it seems like yesterday we were playing barbies! Just kiddin! But seriously we still goof off and stuff! But speaking of heather i have to make her card so i better Go!!! Love you!!!!!!!!
P.S Kelly and maddie i hope you got in Organ ok!!!!!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Anniversary TODAY and more!
hey guys its September!!!!! that means that is it my mom and dads anniversary TODAY!!!!! I have some pictures of what my mom and dad made for us!!!! Because of them we can we are here today and we are like we are!!! (even the bad parts of us) SO this would make it 20 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yahoo!!!!! Heather Holly and I are so happy to have a dad and mom who loves us so much! They care so much for us that they deal with us everyday (my mom all day long with homeschool!)) GOOO MOM! She is going to go back home (Michigan) in about 9 to 8 days!!!!!!! I dont even know if daddy remembers its his anniversary today! HM... But the other things happening in september are (In order) Mom and dads Anniversary, Moms Birthday, Heathers Birthday and My birthday!!!!!! WAHOO!!!!!! I have some bad news too. Zeba had a seizure yesterday.. I wasn't home but my friends mom walked in and she screamed and fell over and started freaking. Holly said she had to get her legs to work again it was like Jello! My baby actually is a epileptic. She is doing fine now but everyonce in a while she will just have a seizure. Like i think it has been about 4 to 6 months since the last one but are getting closer together. :((((((( But she is going to turn 4 O MY GOODNESS 4??!?!?!? Wow she is old! she is 21 in doggie years. WOW she can drink. LOL! If you were wondering I and Heathers ages are 14 and 18!! Heather is going to be a legal adult thingy! GOod for her! Well i am signing off and going to hang with holly since heather left to get my gift!! I got her something special too!!!! Cant wait to tell you!!!!!!! Alrighty i hope you like the pictures!
Heather annibell and Holly
I and maddie having fun!
I and maddie being weird!
Sophie Zeba and the bear
Zeba and the bear
Hope! Do i look good?????
Hope and amanda getting money for the scrapbook
Brianna, Holly, Hope, Daddy, Heater Got soaked after Alantis @ seaworld!
Laina, Heather, Holly and Maddie (I and kelly were taking pictures with our cool cameras at Team Issa thingy!

Monday, September 8, 2008
Hey guys I finally have my ankle back!!!! It is ready to play soccer!!!! No more swallen parts and it is nice and looks just like my other one! No wait i just looked at it is still a little puffy! But that is it! I AM SO EXCITED!! Saturday i thought i was back to normal for good and i jumped on it ran on it jogged on it walked on it SWAM ON IT!!! and geeze did it hurt really bad on sunday! But at this moment it doesnt hurt and looks pretty much normal! SO I AM HEALED!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAHOO!!! I want to go to practice tomorrow but i dont think my parents will let me! I think i have to wait till thursday. That will be good. Then i have a practice before Sat. MY GAME! Plus i have Mine and Heathers b-day party that day!!! AHH IT IS IN 5 DAYS!!!! WAHOO! Now i just have to survive the week with out getting so excited I forget about school! or start day dreaming about it i dont pay attition yes it can happen in Homeschool too!!!!! But right now dinner is ready so i have to go.. But i will be posting pictures on our flikr. site. All you have to do is look at the "links" On the side of our blog and look for the one that says Hope's Pictures. THen go there and check it all out!! GOD BLESS YOU!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Strange week.
Well It has been a strange week for all of us. (mainly for me! LOL) Well on monday (26th) Heather and Holly started classes. That was cool I just went to my friends house and stayed there all day. When i got home my dad wanted to go to the Shavers to drop off veggies and pickles and all that good stuff! So that was fun we talked to Kenny the whole time because amanda was at work. :( bummer but we had fun :) Then on Tuesday I had soccer practice so we went to that! On Wensday Kenny had his surgery for his miniscus or however you spell that! I texted him that night and made sure he was okay and he was! :) thats good :) Thursday we sat around and then i had soccer practice again. While i was there (of corse it was the only day and that holly dropped me off and my friend was taking me home) I hurt my ankle! I and another girl hit each other WOW she has a strong foot!!!!!! Then on Fri. all i did was sit in the chair with ice on my ankle! O we watched A LOT I MEAN A LOT OF Major Dad.! On sat. I and my dad went to my grandparents house to paint and stuff I told my mom i would just sit and have ice on my ankle HA! I Walked Ran and was singing that song FREEDOMMM FREEDDOMMM! JK. But i did do a lot of stuff. WHICH made it hurt Worse but i was so tired of being stuck in a chair! That Day i called Heather to come get me so we can go to wal*mart for some party Decor. It was fun but we dont have a theme anymore. Unless we wanted Hannah Montana! No thanks. I'll pass. So sunday it hurt so bad all i did was sit in my bed. I didn't get to go to church :(((( But we went to the Shavers at 3 and Kenny had is knee rapped and i had my ankle! So we limped around and had our knee and ankles up and just walked around! BUT everytime we tried everyone would be like "SIT DOWN" so we had to stay seated! Which was fun also! We came home and amanda came with us so we just talked untill 1 then those college sleepy heads went to bed. So it is monday again now and we just ate breakfast took showers amanda played with my hair. and then amanda left at 12:30 to go back home we left at 12:45 to pick up my grandparents then we went to the shavers picked up a bag from there house that we left sunday. Then went to Tom's 24 that has the best hamburgars!! and fries! I think all we did the rest of the day was sit around watch a movie go on the computer and play A game not 2 or 3 But A game. LOL. Then Tues Sept 2. Was our first day of school. :( and :) I was sad that vacation was over but i was happy becuase i would be on a sechdule! So becuase of my hurt ankle i couldn't go to practice but instead i went to spport my team and just sat and watched for at least 45 mins. OKay so today is wens. and heather and holly are already at college taking classes! SO i have to go start my school! I love you all!!
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