Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Zeba's Adventure

Well if you havent heard about zeba's CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY ADVENTURE then here it goes! So On Sunday we had flyball at 10 instead of 4. SO we came home right after church and got ready to go. We were only going to take 3 dogs so we were taking my dads truck. We put Zeba and Jazz in the Back Bed in crates. Well they are Fold downs. HINT #1 NEVER USE FOLD DOWN CRATES IN THE BACK OF A TRUCK!!!!! So i set up zebas and got her in. Then we got Jazzie in. We were driving and have fun dododododo. U know the Usual drive. When we get to Practice my mom looks at me and says do you have zeba? I almost start laughing when i was like no shes in the crate. My moms like well no shes not!!!!!! I START FREAKING!!!! I MEAN FREAKING!!!!!! Think of your most prized belonging and losing it and thinking it is YOUR fault! THat is how i felt! I didn't double or triple check zebas crate like I always try to do! Which i usally do! So now the whole team knows i lost my dog! I was scared to death! I called my dad and told him what was going on. I was crying screaming and trying to find her at the same time. Wasent pretty!!!! HINT #2 DO NOT GET STRESSED OUT KEEP CALM AND PRAY! I was praying hard let me tell ya that! I was thinking OMG SHE GOT HIT BY A CAR OR SHES SCARED TO DEATH AND SHE DOESNT KNOW WHERE SHE IS!!!! OR SHE BROKE HER LEG!!!! AHHH i was freaked! Well my dad says okay i will take the Van and come towards you looking for her. THats what he did! and we were driving home Yelling with the windows down (I was just crying) we get to country club about 3 blocks away from the house. My dad calls the cell and says hes found her! I was crying with JOY!!! Geesh HINT #3 IF YOU DAD SAYS SHES OKAY DONT THINK SHE IS PERFECT AGAIN! THE DOG WILL HAVE BOOBOOS!!!!!! So My mom says okay go get her and will go back to practice! HA yeah right!!!! I get home and she is all scratched up! But the funny thing was she was licking me and she like never licks me!!!!! SO she was VERY VERY VERY SSCARED!!!!! But she is safe and the scratches are like all healed as you can see in these pictures just follow the link!!! God Bless

1 comment:

Maddie said...

OMGsh I can't even imagine what you must have been going through!