Hey all i have some BAD news. Rocky is going to be put down at 1 today. I have been with him all day. In the morning he was kinda out of it i would say his name then 5 mins later he would finally look at you. Right now at noon he is eating our ice cream but still waiting to go to wherever doggies go. He is in great pain. My mom is happy to say she is making the right decision. I follow whatever she wants to do. But it pains my heart to see my family member that i grew up with just start falling down hill. I love him. He is one of my best friends my brother! He will always stay in our hearts! He was the first dog that the family really loved and brought up correctly and he is known as the lovable rocky!! I thank God that he gives us these pets that it can be easier to live on this dieing earth. Thank you Rocky for all u have done for this family. I'm going to put up some pictures. I hope you enjoy. Thank you Jesus for giving us Rocky Balboa Beane.
In loving hands
P.S we have just taken rocky to the vets. I am very sad to say that he was happy to go. He was sad to leave his family but HE KNEW it was his time. As a puppy he was STRONG willed, and still was a strong boy his heart was still ticking! The only thing that was keeping him a live was his love of food. It was harder then i thought. my mom said her goodbyes on the table, i said my goodbye this morning i stayed with him all day! I got him to go to the bathroom before my grandparents came home and he almost peed all over him self...BUT with a miracle he didn't. So Thank you for reading this! Remember him as the happy BIG boy that would jump to see you! He is the best dog we could of asked for!
P.S.S I will post pictures later...The computer wont let me right at this moment.
In loving hands
P.S we have just taken rocky to the vets. I am very sad to say that he was happy to go. He was sad to leave his family but HE KNEW it was his time. As a puppy he was STRONG willed, and still was a strong boy his heart was still ticking! The only thing that was keeping him a live was his love of food. It was harder then i thought. my mom said her goodbyes on the table, i said my goodbye this morning i stayed with him all day! I got him to go to the bathroom before my grandparents came home and he almost peed all over him self...BUT with a miracle he didn't. So Thank you for reading this! Remember him as the happy BIG boy that would jump to see you! He is the best dog we could of asked for!
P.S.S I will post pictures later...The computer wont let me right at this moment.