Hey all well i just thought i would come on and tell you about my week! Well first off I found out sunday night at 10:30pm that i had lice! WAHOO....NOT! OMG IT IS TERRIBLE! But i am getting used to my sisters running away when they see me come to close to there head! I AM THE ONLY ONE WHO HAS LICE!! WWWAAHHHNNN! I found out my friend had them so my mom checked, the day we found out and well nope i didn't have them.! TILL NOW! we think my mom missed the eggs till now! and they finally hatched! EWWWWW!! YUCK! Then Kelly came over tuesday and didn't want to come close to me!
WAHHNNN! (kelly it isent your fault I know you dont want them again :)! Then Mrs. Moran looked through my head but didn't really look CLOSE but just looked at how thick it was!! So...Wensday i was post to get my retainers for my teeth! they didn't want me in because I had lice!!! NOBODY WANTS ME! Then Wensday night..GET THIS...I found out i'm getting sick! Sinas problems! NOOOOOO!! I really want to go to P.E! Now i am going to have to wait another WEEK! I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE! THIS IS GETTING TIREING! SO today (thursday). Kelly came over to go to spanish..and she didn't totally look like she was worried about getting lice again! I feel AWFUL! I got my nose running my hiar all poffy and wet from the spray! IT IS A BIG SNARL! NOOOOO!! So i am going to have a mess to go through! SO i would like some pray so that i can be better by monday or tuesday! Tuesday i have to go in to the Ortho and get my retainters! Hopfully i wont be sick! PLEASE PRAY FOR ME! SO u can look at the Picture and see what i mean! I Hope u are having a better week then i am! Sorry i am not a poet to tell you how i feel! SO just pray for me and you will prob getting a phone call from me about how BORED i am! If you guys have some free time then go ahead and call me! I will me home :(! I am really tired of staying home! I JUST WANT TO GO SOMEWHERE WITH FRIENDS AND FAMILY THAT I LOVE! OH and pray I can make it to Janells christmas gift to us! (sleepover and PJ fun) Leave your comment!
Love the sick and licey
i guess that you got your camera back! =)
i hope you feel better!! <3 u!
No i didn't get it back it was the webcam on my computer!!
No i didn't get it back it was the webcam on my computer!!
well i think weve all had to experience it and all agree...NOT FUN!! -amanda
i feel your pain hopie!!! literally! I hated it when i had them!
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