Well yesterday was the first day of school.
I told holly on Sunday that I forget what school was like. WELLLLLLL NOW I REMEMBER! 8th grade and still young!!! I can't belive I am in 8th grade. I feel bad because this is my last year in Jr. High and it feels like i just got to know my paster! I am soo bummed. But I will still be going to Jr. High (when I am in 9th grade) because 1st service dosent have a high school. (YET) when we get are new church there is only going to be 1st and 2nd service.
But first service will start at like 8 or 9 I cant remember! I am actually sleep on a sunday! Gosh I wonder what that is like. Well Mr. Stringer is HOME!!! I can't belive it! He has been gone for soo long. They are going to leave for there next home soon. ALREADY??????
AHH! I have no idea what I am going to do without my gang it is going to be me and me. How awful does that sound. But I will pull threw! I GUESS if I have too. Well I am going to try to put pictures up of me being GOOFY! I don't think anybody reads this blog but at least I am typing to myself!! I feel bad because Kenny sprained his ankle. and Holly has the BIGEST brusie (is that how u spell it)????????????) on her leg. CRAZY.
Soccer does something to Holly and I. Well I am on a LOSING team again. But I know we can do it but I got to get my ladies to have FUN while winning. I am really like winning but if God says I am not winning this year then I will be happy with our loses. DARN! But I am having fun! I love soccer. Soccer is the only thing I am good at. and get this I AM NOT THAT GOOD AT IT EITHER. But I can do it. I scored goals last year so I hope I can score some this year! Well I better get going!
Heather and Holly are at Spanish!

Off to go do more math review!
love your sunglasses! and love the picture of my brother and i lol! love ya princess hope... beane
I love it too!
the stringers are moving where really?????:-?
yeah prob back to marylan. I spelled that wrong!
i remember when we took those 2 last pictures to the bottom, and the flash was blinding me!!! that is why i am squinting!!! it was so bright!
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