Well if u look at weather.com u would see that IT IS REALLY HOT IN CA! I am sooo hot right now I can't do anything. I feel like it is 1001% It is TRAIBLE! We are trying to do school but our brains are MUSH! It is bad. I couldn't even sleep last night. ANYWAY! If u can see Amanda got her own blog! It is http://www.thepuryearfamily.blogspot.com/.
I will put it on my links. Well we are trying to figure out what to do. MY FAMILY IS GETTING SICK! AHHHHHH!! It is scary. I and holly are like the only ones not sick! NEVERMIND she just started talking to my mom and she sounded REALLY REALLY sick. So it is down to ME! To hold us together. We are post to go to the shavers on sunday for Laber Day. We are going to have a Bomb Fire!! YAY! YAY! YAY!
I havent had one in a while. Well I went to soccer practice yesterday! It was fun!! We played agaisent girls heather and holly age! It was soo much fun. But we really didn't play with them more we Practiced with them. It was really fun. WEll I am going to go I will put up one picture today!

P.S you know how I said one picture I JUST COULDN'T RESEST! Emily's picture is just tooo cute!