We are done with school!! We finally finished. Gee it was a great school year. I had trouble with math but got through it. I wouldn't of but the greatest dad steped in(Bob Beane). He is the best. We had a great fathers day. We went to apple bees on saterday. Then on sunday we just relaxed. I can't belive how fast this year is going. I got my ears done. Today was the hotest day of the year.
My grandpa got AIM and the webcam all in one fathers day!!! We talked for like 5mins. It might of been short but it was a BLAST. I can't wait till I can move out there. I love being out there at MI. I am really happy because Brianna is going to Webcam with me tonight, she is talking to me at 9:3o HER TIME. She just got a steady job. So she is doing really good. She said that she should be able to come to CA and visit us next summer. I can't wait!!!!
Heather and I had a blonde moment that was FUNNY and my dad joined in too. I can't belive it. I don't want to type it so I will tell u it when we see each other in person. If I havent already.
I am talking to my cousin. she is sooooo COOL! I can't wait till she comes out.
I love her sooo much.
Well I gtg Love y'all
we should start planning what we are gonna do when i come becasue i am for sure coming!!!!
Okay. We should.
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