Well well, today I woke up at 8 and I am sooooo tired. When I woke up I was sweating. When I got out of bed IT WAS SOOO HOT. I think I might go back to bed. Other wise I would have stayed in bed. But now I think I am going to read. Well gtg
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Friday, June 29, 2007
Hey guys it is about 9:36 PM I am really tired! I just wanted to say hi. I wanted to let u know to leave a comment! Just click on comment under this post and try it! then go the other ones and do it to thoughs!
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Hey well today I went for a TWO hour bike ride, then because it is sooo HOT we went swimming!(my friend and her cousin!). But before I went I found out we were not going to the beach today because my mom is sick. So that is why we went for a bike ride and swimming! I talked to my aunt who I havent talked to in a while! Well I didn't really talk to her but we emailed. Both my aunts are soooo cool. (I really don't know about my other aunts because I really don't know them). And I even talked to my cousin who I havent seen in a while or heard from and we did Webcam! It was sooo fun! My friend amanda got DSL so hopfully there computer will run faster. Well I better get going
Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Well,, well, I don't know what to say! I talked about the girls weekend and all. Oh I talked to Amanda last night, and she said that I could borrow her sign langauge book and then I am getting one from the libary but I want to go to barns & noble and buy it! Amanda wants to help the deaf kids to dance! OH THAT SOUNDS SOOOO FUN! I want to help them if they get deaf by a accedent and need help getting used to being deaf! I really have a heart for helping! Like helping Janell with all her girls! (four and keep u busy even if when I have my sisters to help me!)(dont know how janell does it) So any way I really really really want to help the deaf! I love using my hands so maybe I can help someone while using my hands! I don't know but I think God is pointing me in that place! So just keep praying for me! I know I am young but I want to be the best sign laungage person around so I really really want to be tought before highschool! Well is 8th grade high school?? I don't know. I am clueless! I just say I am in 8th grade. But I am getting close to 9th grade and I am SURE that meens I would be in HS. So I really really really want to teach myself signing! I think that would be a blast and my dad can help me! Because he wants to take it too! So hopfully we both can take it and talk to each other signing! It would give me great practice! (by the way janell how does it fell to be married 12 years)? (or is it more)?? well I better get going I will tell u more when I have more to tell u!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Girls weekend!

OH gee! I had the most BEST WEEKEND EVER! The girls were a blast! I took like 102 pictures (or more) and most of them were of beth!(Hailey tryed to get in them too) We took the girls to the park on friday! As u can see Janell needed a break from the bethy's hippernise. We tryed to give Janell a break from all the girls! IT was HARD! Saterday morning rolled around and the girls were hoppin around all exsited! We let Janell sleep in with Hailey and took the 3 girls down stairs to help us make breakfest! Of corse they just helped talk to us and keep us company! IT WAS FUN! Bethy wanted to go wake up mama! She wanted to find out if she could have a ogurt! Well I took charge and told her she didn't have to ask
mama that we (the spoilers) would give her one! Of corse she didn't care about mama anymore! Janell said she hasent had a hot brea

kfast in she dosent know how long! Well That afternoon we went to the pool! Oh boy it was fun! Janell wanted to be free so bad! (from the horrible 2's of Hailey!) I knew she was going to give me Hailey but I thought she was going to say okay Hailey u are going to go to Hopie but NO she just THRUST hailey into my arms and took off! (well maybe it wasent that much of a thrust BUT IT WAS FUNNY)(now that I look at it) So Hailey started CRYING MAMA MAMA MAMA! Heather came over and said that she would take her well I did the same thing Janell did GAVE HER UP! Everyone was looking at me and the screaming baby! But now they were looking at Heather HA! Well that dinner time we all went out to eat! AWWW IT WAS SOOOOOOOOOO GOOOD! Janell THANK U! Well going to bed was a little more trouble then friday! Em thought we were going to all sleep togeather well when Janell told her we wernt well lets just say she really didn't want to but she went right to her own bed! GOOD JOB EM! Well Sunday was

easy we all just went to church! I NEEDED IT!! I don't know how Janell went from Kate's personalty to Ems to Beths to Haileys! GEE IT WAS HARD FOR ME! Well we went to flyball and Had fun! I was glad to go home! (not to be mean) I just wanted to be with my own bed and all my 6 dogs! okay well Hope that was all right! Thanks Janell had a great time
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
catchin up!

We are going to te ORTHO today. I havent been wearing my rubberbands because when ever I talk the break. So anyway. I have been talking to my aunt and her little girl. Rhianna is soooooo cute. u should see her. We have a link to her page. She has all kinds of pictures up. If u were praying for her thank u she is doing so good. GOD IS GOOD. Well I got to go because my mom needs the computer this is when u want three computers. Hope
Monday, June 18, 2007
Hey all

We are done with school!! We finally finished. Gee it was a great school year. I had trouble with math but got through it. I wouldn't of but the greatest dad steped in(Bob Beane). He is the best. We had a great fathers day. We went to apple bees on saterday. Then on sunday we just relaxed. I can't belive how fast this year is going. I got my ears done. Today was the hotest day of the year.
My grandpa got AIM and the webcam all in one fathers day!!! We talked for like 5mins. It might of been short but it was a BLAST. I can't wait till I can move out there. I love being out there at MI. I am really happy because Brianna is going to Webcam with me tonight, she is talking to me at 9:3o HER TIME. She just got a steady job. So she is doing really good. She said that she should be able to come to CA and visit us next summer. I can't wait!!!!
Heather and I had a blonde moment that was FUNNY and my dad joined in too. I can't belive it. I don't want to type it so I will tell u it when we see each other in person. If I havent already.
I am talking to my cousin. she is sooooo COOL! I can't wait till she comes out.
I love her sooo much.
Well I gtg Love y'all
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