Phew we finally slowed down to get on the computer and share a few words. Well Heather and Holly have finished finals at College!!! They are really excited!! But they still dont know how they did!! I know they did good! :D! I have been doing the yard work with my dad to earn texting! So finally after 4 satardays of work on the yard i got it!! I am so excited!! I'm actually getting faster!!!!!!! WAHOO! I Heather and Holly have Guilde coming up but we are so nervous!! I'm doing ten songs again and holly is doing ten for her first year!! GO HOLLY GO!! Heather is doing a differnt catagorie so she doesnt have to do it memorized *Lucky Chick* but she is doing a good amount of songs! Last year it wasent that bad. Yesterday Holly and Dad went out and bought National Treasures 2!! My mom is watching it now! She is excited! My dad is teaching Holly moves for self defense! I need to learn them but i hear them and i think i got it! The Stringers left last month too. So that was a bummer but they go where God takes them! So i guess Maryland was where they need to go! OH OH OH i think i told you that i won this thing for my mom for mothers day and all i got was flowers for her BUT yesterday this gal emailed me and asked for my address! So we are going to get the rest of the prize!! I think we are getting a spa treatment for her! WAHOO!!! Well i better go. Hope you enjoyed the pictures!
God Bless you
*Smile Jesus Loves You*