Wednesday, September 2, 2009
day 3 of school
well school is going great but very hard. being a sophmore in high school i guess thats expected. I and My friend Maddie are doing english today. very fun :) its nice to have a person to do the question with. Sometimes we get distracted but those who know me know that im the girl who gets distracted but a little speck!!!!! haha. Well my lovely readers It is time for me to go i will be back soon. I think i am going to start a story. wouldn't that be fun? hmmmm...
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
started school...oh joy.
Hey everyone well its been a while since i posted anything but just here to tell you that we have started school!!!!!! bummed that we started but also glad that we are organized. Summer was fun and i am really sad to see it go. But the WEATHER summer is still here!!!!! it got up to at least 100 over this weekend. it was crazyyy!!! its been really hot. on saturday i played my soccer game and i was barely running. it felt like a real slow game cuz we were all tired and HOT! We tied BTW. our team has a lot of work to do. Anyway i got to go start school will post something tomorrow..i think..
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
Hot N' Cold.
This week has been very interesting. Heather and Holly's graduation is THIS friday. But my grandma is going to be coming here TOMORROW!!! I cant beleive it. But i got some bad news on Saturday that i will NOT be going to missouri. something is going on in Trish's family that is going to take a while to figure out. I would like you guys to pray for her that her husband and her will make the right diesitions for the family. And that the kiddos wont get hurt in the final outcome. Please pray that they will find Jesus like we all have :) I am hoping Trish's offer is still there and i can come either next summer or on spring break. i realllyyy wanna see her. But luckily she is going to come down to CA and we are going to have a day with her. I also would like you guys to pray for me. I'm going to be a softmore next year AHHHH! 10th grade is what i always been dreaming about. But its so scary when it finally comes. I wish time would just go faster so I and my family can be with Jesus. Also pray that heather and holly will make the right choices. And for my dad and mom as family is coming and they want everything to be perfect. I just wanted to give you a quick update and will be posting pictures of our fun time with nana uncle paul and Aunt julie soon.
Thanks for the Prays
Thanks for the Prays
Thursday, June 4, 2009
What if's
Hello everyone, Do you have what ifs in your life for this summer? I DOOO!!! (as i put my hand up) God has opened up many opportunities but I don't know if any of them are going to work. This summer i want to do 1 thing HAVE AN ADVENTURE! If it means riding bikes around town and having a blast. Or even going to college and taking a summer swimming class I'll do it. Or if its going out of state or even just sitting around town loving life I will do it. I want to do something that will make life exciting. But that is just me. heather and holly pretty much have their lifes ready and just waiting. Heather being a nurse and Holly going to go to college take some classes and see what she is going to do. I really want to just have fun with whatever i do and have my whole heart into it. But its not all about me. My mom is really excited to have her mom come out for Heather and Holly's graduation well I heather holly and daddy are even MOREEE excited!!! we cant wait till grandma will come here! :-) Well i'm off to try to go to bed. I'm really tired. I hope everything is going well God Bless You!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
bowling and other "stuff"
Hello readers!!! :) I am doing great today! My dad came home early and we have been talking about my sophomore year! AHHHHHH!!! please save me! It sounds scary! OH and i need help what language should i do? I was thinking sign language or should i do french? I was thinking Greek as well. BUT!!! It is going to be a college level so i need a language that will be easy. So anyway. Nothing has really exciting has happened. Heather informed me today that she has FINISHED HIGH SCHOOOLL!!! she has done all her subjects and turned them in! Holly still has to do a test but otherwise she will be done as well. I on the other hand well i'm stuck taking tests and going through high school. Sometimes i do wish i was in public school just so i wouldn't be alone. But Why do i say alone when i have Jesus Christ right?? my grandma and grandfather are in illinoss with there two new grandbabies!! (okay so i forgot that i got two new cousins on sunday) lol. I took this quiz on and it was like what pixar/disney person are u and i got DORY!!! :) I was so happy. But of course everyone commented and was like THATS SOOO YOU!.....anyways back to school and babies. we also re did the bathroom living room and kitchen! not like re modeled but we painted and fixed cabnets. :) I am very excited about my Grandma coming into town for my sisters graduation. I haven't seen her in SOOOO long it seems. (not grandma Beane. Grandma Zeitz) I wish my cousin (brianna) could come but she is doing college! :( I text her like all the time. (who do i not) lol. My piano has been going good. I have that actually in a couple of hours. (hints why i am in a skirt) I got No A's in Guild only one for my scales an chords which i new i would get :( but i got C's for everything else!!! (FYI A is attention and C means: complete!) I played 10 songs memorized in front of a judge. (that is what guild is) i hope everyone is having a good life and they know Jesus is with them whereever and whenever! :) Have a great day! (i am going to go read my book!) I love ya'lll!!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
The Graduate's of 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello Everyone, Well I have some news!!!! MY SISTERS ARE GRADUATING!! (Heather and Holly) But...there is also our dear friend KELLY MORAN!!!!!! Heather and Holly are going to be going to Cal State San Marcos, Kelly is still undecided(i think she is leaning towards Hawaii I dont want her to move so far away!) I would like to say something to my sisters (and kelly who is just like my sis) I'll start with Heather, Heather is my oldest sister. When we were little she would boss me around and like think she could "rule" me so to speak. But when i started getting older our relationship started to change. Not like drastictly that I was like her friend But she started to understand me and i started to understand her. We grew to know each other and i became her lil sis so could do stuff with her! :) she is a really cool girl :) The other girl i would like to talk about is KELLYYYY or (kelly bellyy!) kelly is so awesome!! :) she is always there for me and always ready to talk. We've had so much fun!!! Hopefully we can have so many more memories!!! Also Holly :) she is our youngest out of the graduates!!! :) she is amazzinng always there to talk to me and anyone that needs it. and is always there to get the bible out and explain. :) well CONGRATTTSSSSSSSSSS HEATHER HOLLY ANNDDD KELLLYYY!!!!!

Monday, February 23, 2009
sooo...sorry for the wait.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Cheyenne 8-27-1999 to 1-28-2009
Hello everyone. I have some grave news. My friends dog Cheyenne has gone to see God. She had cancer in her mouth. It swelled so much that she couldn't close her mouth and couldn't eat. I thought i would share some memories. First thing first. THey reason i met Trish was infact because of Cheyenne. We did flyball. Chey was wonderful. You couldn't ask for a better dog. SHe loved Trish so much she would die for her. You would thing the dog was mean. but in acutallity the dog was lovable as any other one. You just had to get to know chey. :) and i had the privalage to get to know her. She ran and did the jumps like a pro. You never had to tell her to do things twice. She would let you think you were in charge but in reality she was. I remember one time i forget where we were but it was at flyball and chey was so intense and like trish left me alone with chey and i was like talking to chey and i was like r you going to eat me? and she just looked at me and kinda like smiled at me and just moved closer and i was sittin down and she came really close and waited for me to pet her. I will never forget how happy she was when i did. You could tell trish thought of chey as her little baby. At that time Trish didn't have any kidz and you could just tell the bond they had. Trish would always say things like "hey you want a dog here take her" and "ah look at this dog you want her?" But you could tell that chey and trish were never to be seperated. :) But now chey is with God and we will always remember her. I love her. May God Bless you Trish and Gene for training the best dog i know.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Sad week...
This week i have this very sad week. my friends dog Chey, is still going through some hard times and looks like she will be going to have to go see God very soon. I am very sad and heart broken that i cannot be there for Trish and that i couldn't go with her to help her through. On wensday i got a call from Maddie and some bad things were happening in the family it looks like one of the aunts has had a stroke. I am very sad about that. When my friends are sad so em i. My mom and sisters have gotten sick and it looks like I or my dad are next. Which isn't good because my wonderful cousin and auntie are in town and we play with them like everyday!!...Yea school isn't going so well!! Lucky me :P. that is the only thing i am really happy about. i am really sorry i couldn't give u more happy news but that is what is going on. I will get more pictures up of Auntie and Cousin. But you'll have to wait till tomorrow its only 7:30 and i already want to go to bed! And i always stay up till like 11 so u know there must be something wrong with me!! Lets hope it isn't sickness!!!!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Friday, January 9, 2009
no more holidays....HELLO 2009
Well yesterday i watched as my mom took down our charlie brown treee....:( kinda sad. But we had a good christmas and i would show you pictures but of corse my camera HAD to die and we had to take it in to the shop. They broke it from the last visit! so i am looking into buying my nikon p80 really soon!!! But i just need 100 more dollars and i should be able to buy it no problem! today we had to get up extra early because we are going to go meet our friends at the park (on one condition) get ALL our school work done...SO me a freshmen in high schooli got a lot to do. Holly and Heather only have like 3 subjects and it takes them like 5 mins! (lucky!)it takes me about 3to 4 hours to get ALL my school work done. Well ihave to go get ALL my school work done so i am signing off and have a wonderful day and say hello to 2009 for me! (i still havent caught up to him yet!)
Friday, December 19, 2008
Yup you read it right 6 days till christmas and no tree... we have been busy and thinking about the holiday season we forgot the most important thing..(GOD IS THE MOST MOST MOST IMPORTANT) but the tree is the second..we all dicorate and play music and this year we are going to get the tree in the daylight! SCARY! haha we are getting a little 4 foot...icky! we usually get the 7 foot biggiest tree for the smallest house! so just wanted to let you kno i will blog back soon have a VERY marry christmas! and a happy new year! 2009!!!! wahoo...i grad in 2012!! wahoo!! 4 years :(( anyway love ya
Monday, December 15, 2008

WOw. This year has gone so fast! I dont even kno how we got to the end of the year already! I would like to take you back through the year...If i can remember! :P Okay so lets start at march because thats what i can remember! March 31st our loving Rocky Balboa died from cancer and old age. Mykolya was born on March 5 a very cute baby! and BIG! I really wanted to go out and help Trish with him but didn't have the money....Like usual! (i'm actually hoping i'll be able to go out there 2009 winter. That way M&M will be able to remember me! :D I know Maddie will be able to but idk about mykolya! April went by just like another month but a very sad one! After rocky's death our whole family was feeling empty without him. My mom tried to make herself fell better by making comments like "with Rocky gone now we have more room" Or "rocky doesnt make me trip anymore" OR "now we have more room on the floor" AND the saddest one "at least i kno hes not hurting anymore from cancer"! so it was very sad. I and my mom showed it the most by little things like i would cry at night because usually i fall asleep to him snoring and making funny noises! :D but it all i heard was my dads snoring.. so no more synchronize snoring! :( that whole month whenever i saw a lab i would start crying. U wouldn't think a dog had so much impact on a very loud family! but he did and i remember one day i was home alone and (this is kinda gross) but i was either doing my hair or something in the bathroom and two spiders like HUGE I MEAN BIG!!! and i screamed and dropped whatever i had in my hand. Rocky heard and came in and when he pushed the door open he knocked over on of the spiders and i used my shoe to kill it! The other one rocky sat down and i smiled at him and he wagged his tailed and threw the other spider against the door and i killed it with my shoe again! I gave rocky a big high five (he did give me one back) and i can never ever get that memory of that day out of my head and i never want it to leave. When june came around I WAS SO EXCITED because my cousin was coming out in july to spend 9 days with us! those days went by so fast! but they were amazing!!!! :D Heather and Holly took a swim class that summer and totally got buff! :D we did VBS I and heather only they didn't have enough room, for holly! we did 4th grade with our good friend Mrs. Moran and her daughter Laina while her kidz are 4th graders (Sean and Valya) It was really fun. the rest of the summer i spent most of it at my good friend Amanda's house. we spent some time with amanda S. as of June 26 she got her license! :D so she was bee bobbin everywhere! but my mom's rule was that she cant drive us until 6 months of driving. So on christmas day she will be able to drive us even though i dont think she'll want to drive us anywhere..actually its the day after christmas! :D I got texting in the summer too! which was prob my dads biggest nightmare! haha. And everyone elses that i text! I LOVE texting it is great way to stay in contact and to bug ppl! haha jk. but actually i do bug some people wont say names but ummm...(amanda SHAVER!) haha and she will admit it! I heather or holly still dont have any boyfriends which i think heather needs to be thinking about! but shes all in college mood! which is really good for a christian gal! Speaking of college heather and holly will be full time students at college in 2009! :D GO GIRLS! I cant wait till they move out of the will be very quite though! :( I love spending time with my family and friends. Everyone calls me a social butterfly but this year i kinda changed! I love meeting knew people but sometimes its scary which it used to not be for me! :D I did meet some new friends at the christmas cliche'. Mr. shaver wrote a play and kenny was in it like a lot. but anyway i met a new family and their little son Aiden who is 2 i think he JUST turned 2 has green eyes and just the cutest little thing and melts your heart! :D so hopefully we will be able to babysit them. He has an older sister Faith who loved heather and a younger sister Hailey who is a little baby! but that is all i have to say for today! have a Merry christmas and remember 10 DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS! so get your shoppin done! :D Its raining and my mom is trying to peel me off of the computer! so i have to go but i love all of you and dont forget the reason for the season! :D JESUS CHRIST! who died for our sins! :D have a wonderful christmas.
and to all a good day
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Hello to all how are you doing? I havent been putting pictures on because my camera is at the doctors...its mom dropped him! (haha) So i have been sore lately because i actually got on area all stars (meaning we play city teams) and it is a total work out!! We do this whole drill thing that would be my regular whole practice when it is JUST our Warm up. needless to say we all had stomach and arm cramps from the push ups and leggie lifts that go up and down up and down (but cant touch to ground going down)! But it is a blast we work on all kinds of stuff. I found out i was actually doing a illegal throw ins. Sam and I were hurting last night and now i stilll am!! I cant beleive amanda is doing fine!! this stuff HURTS!! but it is a blast! We are a really good team and all work really good together so hopefully we will win all 4 games and move on into Febuary!! I cant wait!!! So christmas is coming around the cornor and everyone is asking for christmas lists!!! i would say what i want on this but then everyone will see it and might buy doubles! So i tell everyone different things! I really want a "Ripley beleive it or not" book and a Guinness world record (2009) book!! so will see what happends! haha i love looking at wacky stuff! So i'll talk to you guys later and comment and tell me what you guys want for christmas!
Friday, November 14, 2008
College campus and more
Hey everyone how y'all doing? Heather Holly My dad and Mom went to CAL state San marcos. Checked out the campus and said it was BIG and very pretty. I didn't go thinking it was educational and wat kid wants to do that on a gorgeous saturday!!!!!!! :P SO they checked it out then came home picked me up and we went to star bucks and subway! YUMMY! Then we came home Holly studyed and i went to a soccer game (AMANDA ONE 1st PLACE PLAYOFFS!!!) GO FLASH!!! WOW! Well i better go i am working on my cousins gift :D it will take a while! :D talk to you guys later
Monday, November 10, 2008
Update on Sandy
Hi all I cleaned sandy's wounds and it actually looks very good. From Neo Sporn it has gotton some scaps so it is actually really good. I cleaned it today and he didn't struggle and i could do it alone. I think he is actually listening to me better now that i am taking care of his wounds and carrying him around the yard because he is so sore!!! just wanted to give you a quick update! O and BTW i did find another tooth mark right by the other 2 inch on his shoulder. It isent deep at all looks like it was used as a stabilser to keep him from bitting the coyote even more. So i think the coyote is actually coming back B/C while i was doing the dishes Sandy was at the door sleeping but woke up out of a dead sleep and started crawling. So i dont know what is out there and dont really wanna find out. SO i keep sandy close to me. Good luck whoever has little dogs and coyotes keep the dog close to the house and with other big dogs. God Bless and good night!
Friday, November 7, 2008
poor poor Sandy!
Well we have a story even better then Zeba's!!!!! Sandy was outside all alone (BTW i was at my team party and wasn't home:(() and my mom and sisters were at home. They heard the sound of coyotes yelling up a storm like they always do. then the next thing my mom knew was they heard sandy screaming bloody murder. Well he had a good reason to scream. a big Coyote was pinning sandy to the ground OUTside of our fence!!!!! we can not decide how he got out!!!! I think the Coyote dragged him under the fence and it makes since...See he is hurting on the right side back leg and the two puncture wounds are on his left side....sooooo i think he gripped him from the left and drug him to were he pinned him down and was trying to get a better grip to shake....that is when my mom found him. She yelled at the coyote and he didn't leave till she was about 10 to 15 feet away. That's when she grabbed sandy and pushed the coyote off of him. Or the back end of him since he was running to leave. And Sandy got right back up and tried to go back after the coyote. But my mom took him and got him into the bath tub and gave him a bath. Because it looks like the battle was actually rolling around for a while!!! my mom said he looked disgusting. And smelled bad...he let go of his analglans (usually happens when something grabs you and tries to eat you!). So when i got home i saw him in his crate shaking and licking his wounds. He was in shock (or at least that is what we though) and he wasn't responding to my voice which scared me. Usually he looks at me and gives me these eyes that are ADORABLE!!! LOL! But he didn't and so after i sat there for a while i opened his crate (with one arm keeping Zeba back because she wanted all the attention!) and i touched him. He was cold and tired looking. I went in the kitchen and got him some cheese (HE LOVES CHEESE, doesn't take after his mom there yuck hate cheese) and so i had to peel it thin like so he could eat it. Then in the morning I was thinking of taking him to the vets and when i saw him under my bed and i tried to call him out, he couldn't get out. Like i called him and he was half way out but he had to bend his back and he couldn't and started crying at me and looking at me so i called holly in to lift the bed up while i pull him out. He got out and i was examining him and found another Sore (that my mom didn't find) right on the top of his neck. Like where the collar is but it was kinda more down towards the body. So we figured out how the Coyote grabbed him! When i called my dad and told him i wanted to take him in and asked him he said we could. I convinced him by saying well we better get it now and try to stop the infection before there really is one and then we will have a bigger vet bill! (i am genus!) so we took him in and the doctor was so surprised that Sandy actually made it out alive! Poor little dude! I held him while we were waiting and he was like a little vibrating machine! he was nervous to be going in. But the doc took great care of him. and showed us how deep it was by sticking his scissors into both wounds. It was about 2 inches into his shoulder wound and about an inch. The doctor said he is lucky he didn't get his shoulder ripped off because that is what the coyote was trying to do., plus he said that the coyote has tasted his blood and probably will come back and try to get him again! so we have to watch sandy closely at night. right now he is doing okay just resting outside for the moment i check on him every couple Min's! So just pray he heals quickly and no infections!!
Love Hope
Love Hope
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